Cookie policy | Sankt Peterburg Park Hotel


The site uses cookies, without which our site could provide you with correct services. By visiting our site, you accept the use of cookies.

Types of cookies we use:

Required cookies
These cookies are necessary for the full and correct functionality of the website system, they enable us to connect your login with the system functions.
Analytical cookies
These cookies give us information about the number of visits to our site and thanks to them we can analyze whether our users work easily with it and whether we have answered frequently asked questions (Google Analytics cookies). These cookies do not give us any information about your personal data. They only show us whether you have viewed more than one page of our site, how many times you have visited certain pages, whether you are using a mobile or desktop device, and other anonymous data. For Google Analytics, we also use anonymization of IP addresses using anonymizelp. The maximum period we keep analytical data in Google Analytics is 50 months.
Functional cookies
These cookies allow us to provide you with a more personalized service (for example, saving the history of the most recently searched information) and thus make the most optimal use of the functions of our site. They do not store your personal information.
Cookies for precision targeting
These are dynamic cookies of Facebook, Google, etc. We do not use such cookies, but if you click on advertising messages on the site, they may be triggered by our advertising partners. They also do not store any personal information.

It is within your power to set the cookies you receive from our site. To do this, enter the settings of the browser you are using and follow the instructions. Note that if you restrict certain types of cookies, you may also restrict the functionality of the site on your own device."

By visiting this website you are allowing us to use cookies.

To find out more about the Cookies we use please visit our Cookie Policy andPrivacy Policy.